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Mindfulness Exercises

吸氣......呼氣......把身心帶回當下, 讓正念的力量伴隨生活每一刻 !

Breathing in......Breathing out...... uniting your body and mind.

May the energy of mindfulness be with you in every present moment ! 


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「念生安樂」(廣東話) 專輯收錄了深度放鬆和正念呼吸練習, 讓你在生活中滋養平安和快樂。

May the Deep Relaxation and Mindful Breathing Exercises in the "MBPH" (Cantonese) album nourish your peace and happiness.

「念生安乐」(普通话) 专辑收录了深度放松和正念呼吸练习, 让你在生活中滋养平安和快乐。

May the Deep Relaxation and Mindful Breathing Exercises in the "MBPH" (Putonghua) album nourish your peace and happiness.

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